Multibrands & Workshop Softwares

Online Workshop software:

are a program for car services, including information on car repair, repair intervals with a list of works, diagnostic data, lubricants and their volumes, electrical equipment diagrams, and work diagrams. – Air conditioners – ABS – Timing belts, chains, and gears – Engine management systems, component testing – Engine management. Control unit connectors – Key programming – Service indicators Add. information
_ AllData online USA or Europe.
_ AutoData online.
_ Haynes Pro online.
_ Identifix online
_ Mitchell ProDemand online.

Online Workshop software use way:
not with login Infos, we install small applications when you launch you wait some seconds to get Chrome Browser with the online and the Official software page already logged in.

_ One software cost:      140$ 1-Year
_ the Pack of Three Software’s cost:
6-months = 190$ / 1-Year = 350$

Best Pack for the American Region:
Alldata USA, Identifix, Prodemand.
Best Pack For the European Region:
AllData EU, Autodata, Haynes Pro.


  • Diagzone Pro v2 for all Launch x431 Tools, 1/2 Year Update
    + Haynes Pro online (Cars & Trucks)
Update available for all Launch Tools
ThinkDiag, EasyDiag 2.0 / 3.0, Golo CarCare / EasyDiag+ / Master 2.0
/ Master 3.0, HeavyDuty, M-Diag , X431 iDiag For Android, X431 Pad / II / III, X431 Pro3
First, Send Your Serial Number to check and confirm the test pass of the Launch Tool…
For Haynes Pro, you use the same Username and Password as Diagzone App

Launch Cars & Trucks 1 year = 70$
Launch Cars & Trucks 2 year = 100$
Launch ThinkDiag 1 year         = 90$
Launch ThinkDiag 2 years      = 130$
Haynes Pro online (Cars & Trucks) 1 year = 70$
Languages that can be set
( You should install the .APK software on an Android system with the Needed language )
English, German, French, Russian, Turkish, Swedish, Spanish, Serbian, Romanian,
Portuguese, Polish, Persian, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Hungarian,
Finnish, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Croatian, and Arabic.


ThinkDiag old Boot + Extension Cable + 2 years Diagzone

Cost 260$ + Shipping




  • Full Pack for Autocom / Wurth  Wow / Delphi ( remote installation ) costs 40$

Delphi/Autocom 2020 / 2021.11
Autocom 2014.03
Haynes Pro 2016
AD 3.38 2011 EN/SP/PT/FR
Tolerance Data 2009
